
Ting-Jung Chen

CV (E)


2018         Magistra at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria

2015         B.F.A. in Fine Art, University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (HfBK Hamburg), Germany

2009       B.A. in Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Awards/ Fellowships/ Grants/ Residencies (selected):

2024            DAAD-Berlin Artists Program 2023, DAAD, Germany

2023            ISCP, New York, Ministry of Culture of Taiwan, Taiwan (Cancelled due to pregnancy)

2023             21th Taishin Arts Award Nomination, Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture, Taiwan

2022             Fostering Prize (Förderungspreis) of Fine Arts, City of Vienna, Austria

2020            Start Visual Arts Scholarship, Federal Chancellery of Austria, Austria

2019             MAK Schindler Scholarships, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, U.S.A.

2018             Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2018, Kunsthalle Wien, Austria

2018            ArtStart Fellowship, Academy of Fine Art Vienna, Austria

2017             Koganecho Bazzar Residency Fellowship, Koganecho Management Center NPO,  Japan

2015             Judgesaward, Taipei Arts Awards 2015, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan

2014            German National Scholarship (Deutschlandstipendium) 2014, Hamburg, Germany

2014            Karl H. Ditze scholarship, HfBK Hamburg, Germany

Selected Solo Exhibitions:

2024     To Steinway, Bildraum 01, Vienna, Austria

2023      Dislocated Voice,  LISTE Art Fair, Basel, Schwitzerland

2022     This Is A Complex Sentence., Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

2022     Wind Arrows On A Corner Side, Taipei Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan

2021      Harmonielehre, TheCube Project, Taipei, Taiwan

2019      Your troubles will be faded by the luck you will soon have, Galerie Cube+, Kiel, Germany (DS)

2018      Keep me close to you. Ting-Jung Chen & Hui Ye. Preise der Kunsthalle Wien 2018,

                Vienna Fine Art Museum (Kunsthalle Wien), Vienna, Austria (DS)

2018      Artiststatement: Tigers Gathers, Parallel Vienna 2018, Vienna, Austria

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2023     Geopoetics: Changing Nature of Threatened Worlds, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan

2023     Über das Neue, Belvedere 21er Haus, Vienna, Austria

2023     2023 Treasure Hill Light Festival, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan

2023     2023 Chiayi International Art Doc Film Festival, Chiayi, Taiwan

2022     Challenging Orders. Vienna Art Week 2022“, Vienna Art Week, Vienna, Austria

2022     Schindler House Centennial, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

2022     Nostalgia is a Waving Flag: Taiwan and Hong-Kong Video Art Exhibition, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

2022     Foams: Auralization, Live-Forever Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan

2020    MIT- Ideal Shape, ART TAIPEI 2020, Taipei, Taiwan (Solo)

2020    Multiple Singularities, Belvedere 21er Haus; Xhibit, Vienna, Austria

2020    Final Project: Group XLIX, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

2019     WAVES, 18 Street Arts Center, Santa Monica, CA, U.S.A. (DS)

2019     Talking Drum Raideo: Aufwiedersehen, Sweetheart, TheCube Project, Taipei, Taiwan

2019      Bilder der Stadt kartieren, Central Library Vienna, Vienna, Austria

2019      Overlapping Versions, MEDO, Vienna, Austria

2018      Sisyphus Version 20.18, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan 

2017      5774 m over the Tree, K34 e.v. Schlecker, Kiel, Germany

2017      Taiwan Annual 2017, Taipei EXPO park EXPO dom, Taipei, Taiwan 

2017      Double Façade: Multiple ways to encounter the Other, Koganecho Bazaar 2017, Yokohama, Japan

2017      Outernational Fresstival vol.2, 
Vorwerkstift Kunsthaus, Hamburg, Germany

2017      Thoughts on Yon in a Humid Climate, MOM Art Space, Hamburg, Germany 

2016      The Room of One’s Own, Bandgasse 19, Vienna, Austria 

2016      ArtistTalks, ETAT Forum, Taipei, Taiwan

2016      Ting-Jung Chen & Christian Ingemann, RaumD in Museumquatier, Vienna, Austria

2015     Taipei Arts Awards 2015, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 

2015      Hiscox Art Prize 2015, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 

2015      Deutschlandstupendium, HfBK Gallery, Hamburg, Germany 

2015      You may eat while talking, Pop-up Raum, Harmburg, Germany 

2015      Where is the Fish?, Aquarium, Vienna, Austria

2014      Outernational Fresstival, Vorwerkstift Kunsthaus, Hamburg, Germany

2014     Interface Culture, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria

2014      Surface, Fight Club, Berlin, Germany

2014      Be water, my friend, Westwerk, Hamburg, Germany

2014      Sweet Chain Music, Underdog Gallery, Hamburg, Germany (S)

2014      Art School Alliance open Studio, Hamburg, Germany

2012      in_between, TAMTAM8 Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2012      Objects, Elektrohaus, Hamburg, Germany 


2024   <Geopoetics: Changing Nature of Threatened Worlds>, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

2022   < This Is A Complex Sentence. Ting-Jung Chen's Solo Exhibition >, Taipei Fine Arts Museum

2022   < You Are the Only One I Care About (whisper): Ting-Jung Chen >, SternbergPress

2018   < Side Walk >, self-publisching

2017   < Taiwan Annual 2017 >, Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan

2017   < Double Façade: Multiple Ways to Encounter the Other >, Koganecho AMC

2016   < Taipei Art Awards 2015 >, Taipei Fine Arts Museum,

2015   < Hiscox Art Prize Hamburg 2015 >, HfBK Verlag

2015   < Die unsichtbare Stadt, Oikos (Invisible Cities, Oikos) >, HfBK Verlag

Public Collection:

2024        Art Collection, City Vienna, Austria

2022        Art Collection, Federal Chancellery of Austria, Austria

2022        Videotage Media Art Collection (VMAC), Hong Kong

Ting-Jung Chen

lives and works in Vienna and Taipei.

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